
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Drrop: A New Social Networking Site

A brand new social networking site called "Drrop" is developing and it is still on its testing phase. The site develop by two Japanese guy, Takuro Yoshida and Hiro Kobayashi started few months ago and now they are getting visitors from over the world and still growing.

Basically, Drrop combines the power of Digg, Twitter and Facebook that currently allows users to to test it and send in feedback before they decide to go live. Drrop allows users to text anything they wish for. The text or Drrop remains online for 24 hours before extinguishing or being wiped off.

Drrop simply works like this:

  • A drrop (message) only shows up one by one
When you log into Drrop, automatically you will see one drrop from someone in the world. There is a "wipe" button below the drrop. If you click "wipe," then you will see the next message.
  • Once you wipe it, never again     
As a rain drop hits you only once in its life time, a drrop can be encountered only once.
  • 24 hours, not forever
At this time, a drrop will be invisible in 24 hours after it is posted. After 24 hours, people will not be able to see your drrop, unless they have saved or replied to the drrop. In this way, Drrop keep the drrops always fresh and up-to-date. As grows and more people drrops, they are planning to shorten this time constraint, so that they can keep it even fresher.

Go here to find out more about Drrop

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